Five Tips For Having Notes Transcribed When You Are A Chiropractor
Many chiropractors work in small private practices. There are a lot of things that need to get taken care of on a daily basis and taking the time to type notes about each patient at the end of the day can sometimes be very difficult to do. If you need notes typed for each appointment that you have each day, consider hiring a transcription company to do the typing for you. The guide below walks you through a few things to know about hiring a medical transcription company to help you with your chiropractic files.
Purchase a Microphone to Talk Into
When you have notes transcribed, you need to be sure to have a microphone that can pick up what you are saying clearly. If there are names that are uncommon, be sure to spell them out so that you do not have to go back and fix them later on down the road. You want to be sure to speak slowly and pause between sentences so that the transcriber can know when to end the sentences.
Create an Example of What You Expect
If you have a certain protocol that must be followed for the layout of the transcriptions, be sure to supply the company with an example of the format. They can then add that format to their system so that transcribers working on your specific files can always format the transcriptions properly.
Save Files of Your Voice Recordings
Before sending the voice recordings to the company, be sure to save them on a flash drive or to a file on your computer. If the files are lost or accidentally erased, you will not have to recreate them. You can simply download them again and send them to the company with ease.
Be Reasonable with Turn Around Times
When you send the files to the company, you will be able to create a specific turnaround time for when you expect the files to be returned to you. This ensures that both you and the company know what the expectations are for the turn around time on the files.
Be Sure to Proofread the Files
When you receive the files, be sure to proofread them carefully. You want to be sure that everything is spelled correctly and that there are no issues that need to be addressed. Read each file before saving them into your computer system to ensure that you can fix any issues right away.
If you notice any issues with the transcriptions, be sure to address them with the transcription company right away. You want to be sure that you are able to have the files done properly when they are done and addressing issues right away will ensure that future files are done correctly.