
One of the biggest mistakes I made when I started my first business was overlooking the importance of financial management. I had no idea how to do business accounting or even manage my inventory properly. At tax time, I was in way over my head. I spent a long time working with a business accountant to understand the basics and explore the details of the process so that I could manage my own books through the year. That's when I published this blog. I hope the information here will help others like me who don't have the financial edge but still want to run their own business.


Top Reasons Why You Might Need Restaurant Equipment Repair (And What To Do About It In The Future)

22 April 2021
Business, Blog

If you have noticed that the cooking equipment in your restaurant kitchen is not working like it's supposed to, then you might know that having restaurant equipment repair done soon is important. What you might not know, though, is why you need to have repairs done on your equipment. These are a few of the top reasons why you need repairs done on your equipment and a few things that you can do in order to avoid similar problems in the future.
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Important Steps To Take When Buying Vintage Autographs

23 March 2021
 Categories: Business, Blog

A lot of people are into collecting vintage autographs. It gives them a special connection to history and is just another way to celebrate someone special. If you don't want to struggle with buying this type of special memorabilia, take these steps.  Find a Dealer That You Don't Have to Question Whether you plan on buying just one or a bunch of vintage autographs, you want to know that the buying process will be easy from the dealer you get these autographs from.
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Using Data Logging Solutions For Your Vehicle Fleet

22 February 2021
 Categories: Business, Blog

A business that requires a fleet of trucks or other vehicles to perform its duties will find that it will need to spend considerable energy on maintaining and monitoring this fleet of vehicles. While this can seem like an arduous task for a smaller enterprise, there are custom data logging solutions that can be incorporated into your fleet of vehicles. Record Vital Performance Statistics For Your Vehicles A key benefit of using a custom data logging system is that you will be able to precisely monitor the performance of the vehicles that are in your fleet.
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Worthwhile DIY Upgrades For Guns

28 January 2021
 Categories: Business, Blog

If you have a gun, you may get the idea to upgrade it at some point. There are a lot of DIY accessories that you can handle yourself. Here are just a couple of gun DIY upgrades you might consider when you have some free time. Suppressor Add-Ons You may not like how loud your gun is. It may make a bunch of noise in situations where noise is the last thing you want.
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Present Your Corporate Story And Encourage Community Support

30 November 2020
 Categories: Business, Blog

Engaging your customers and being transparent about what your business offers may increase support and allow your business to flourish. A community digital storytelling app will help you identify your targeted message, create a unique story that reflects upon your company's startup process and future plans, and connect with community members. Crafting Your Story Telling a story that is filled with inconsistencies or that fails to impress your audience could make it seem as if you are using bribery as a means to acquire support or could make it seem as if you don't truly believe in your business practices.
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About Me
Number Needs: Small Business Accounting Basics

One of the biggest mistakes I made when I started my first business was overlooking the importance of financial management. I had no idea how to do business accounting or even manage my inventory properly. At tax time, I was in way over my head. I spent a long time working with a business accountant to understand the basics and explore the details of the process so that I could manage my own books through the year. That's when I published this blog. I hope the information here will help others like me who don't have the financial edge but still want to run their own business.
